Thursday, June 2, 2011

La Reunion (Dallas, TX)

So, today I found pictures from a while back.  I am an active volunteer and I have plenty of opportunities to volunteer because of my contacts.  People I met during the Green Team.  Any who...I had the chance to learn about a place called "La Reunion" just minutes from my home.  I had no idea this place existed but it's pretty cool that it does.  I don't have much time to write on it intensely because the Mavs are playing the Heat (Game 2) or believe me I would.

But you know I won't leave you hanging so here are:
La Reunion's main page
A bit of history of La Reunion
and of course La Reunion's facebook page so you can go and like it!

There's also pictures taken by me (on my Blackberry which now rests in peace) so enjoy comment do all that good stuff.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Video

Further Explanation on this video:  Hello!  This is my first blog video.  I know it is very lame but eh I'm pretty lame.  (oh man, my face at the end there is PRICELESS! xD)